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Two men walk out of the train

Who we are

For almost 100 years, ABP has been the pension fund for people working in the government and education sectors. As many as 1 in 6 people in the Netherlands currently receives or will receive a pension from ABP. Pension is the income you receive when you retire, when you become incapacitated for work, or which your surviving dependents receive.

What we want

We want a good pension for everyone, now and in the future, in exchange for an affordable pension contribution. This will only be possible if we continue to see pension as something we organize together. By collectively investing all pension contributions, we can achieve a higher return than any one of us could achieve with an individual savings account. As one of the largest pension funds in the world, our influence is significant. This is why we also ensure that our investments contribute to a sustainable world. Indeed, just like the pension system, we think not only about our own interests, but also about those of the generations who will follow us.