Life certificate

If you live abroad and you receive a pension from ABP, you need to send us a ‘Life certificate’ every year.

There is now an easier way to submit your certificate to us: via an app on a smartphone. If you use the app, you no longer need to complete the paper version.

Submit your 'Life certificate' via the app


This is what you need

  • A smartphone (this does not have to be your own smartphone),.
  • Your identity document.
  • A QR code.

Install the ReadID Ready app

Install the ReadID Ready app from our partner Inverid B.V. The app can be found in the App Store for iPhone and in Google Play for Android Smartphones.


Open the ReadID Ready App

Open the ReadID Ready App on your mobile phone and scan the QR code in your letter. Important: if your QR code has expired, request a new QR code from our customer service.


The ABP logo should now appear, and you will see the welcome text.


From here, follow the instructions in the app.

For more information, watch a short video on how the ReadID Ready app works.

Frequently asked questions

I am having problems. Can I get someone to help?

Yes, feel free to get someone to help. Ask a family member, your neighbors or friends. If they cannot help you resolve the problem, please do not hesitate to contact us and ask for assistance in English.

I do not have Internet/a smartphone. What now?

You can ask a family member or friend with a smartphone to help you. If nobody is available, you can also use the form we sent you.

Will data be stored on my phone?

No, that will not happen. When you close the app, the data are removed from the phone.

I cannot see the ABP logo. Why not?

After you scan the QR code, the ABP logo should appear in the app. We work with our partner InnoValor for the digital Life certificate. InnoValor is the supplier of the app.

What is a QR code, and how does it work?

A QR code is a kind of bar/block code that you scan with your smartphone. It allows you to easily access a website or app. Open the app and follow the instructions in the app.

I cannot scan my passport/driver license/ID card. What should I do?

Your document may not have the required chip. As a result, the app cannot read the data in your document. Unfortunately, this means that you cannot use the app. Please use the form we sent you.

I receive requests for a Life certificate from more than one entity. Do I need to submit them all separately?

Yes, you need to send your Life certificate to all entities. This app is only used by ABP.

Do you have a video showing how the app works?

For more information, watch a short video about how the ReadID Ready app from our partner InnoValor works. You can also read the frequently asked questions about the ReadID Ready app.

I have completed the process online. Do I need to do anything else?

No, you do not need to do anything else. We may call you to ask about your experience. If you do not want us to, please let us know.

The connection was lost during scanning. Can I do it again?

No, you can only use the QR code once. Please contact us if the QR code no longer works.

I am not comfortable with submitting my data online. How can I make sure that I continue to receive my pension?

You can also use the original form.

What happens to my data? And what data are stored?

To check the validity of your identity document, we need to read the personal information contained in the RFID chip in your identity document. We use these data to identify you and to establish that you are still alive.

This includes:

  •  information about you: your first name and surname, date of birth, gender, nationality and passport photo;
  •  information about your identity document: the document number, the country of issue and the expiry date.

We need to process and store your personal information for a short period for security reasons, but this is never longer than 50 days. We delete this information once we have processed your digital Life certificate. We only store the data you would also submit to us on the form. We also store data on the session in which verification took place, such as the time at which you did this.

What non-personal information do you collect and why?

The ReadID Ready application from our partner InnoValor, including the underlying ReadID software, is constantly being improved. To find out how we can improve the app, we collect information about how you use the app. This usage information does not contain any personal information. InnoValor therefore cannot directly or indirectly link the usage information to a specific person. Usage information is only used to improve the quality of our software.

InnoValor collects the following usage information:

  •  details about your phone, such as the type of phone, the Android/iOS version and the amount of memory. We do not collect any information that is unique to a specific phone;
  • the type of identity document scanned and read, whether scanning was successful, whether the chip was read successfully, the country of issue, the certificate used to sign this identity document on the chip and the expiry date of the identity document. We collect the expiry date because this allows us to identify the version of the identity document scanned;
  • information on ease of use, such as how long each step took, whether all steps were completed and the number of times the app was used.

Are my data secure?

Your personal data will be treated and secured with the greatest possible care. ABP adheres to the General Data Protection Regulation at all times. See our privacy statement (in Dutch) for more information.